Academic Advice for 1 курс_вопросы к зачёту_английский язык

2024-12-23 12:42:07
1. To learn vocabulary words, it is helpful to create flashcards or use online vocabulary tools, organizing them by topic and reviewing them daily. For the topic 'My family,' you can include words like 'parents,' 'siblings,' 'grandparents,' and 'cousins.' For 'Amur State University,' you can include words like 'campus,' 'professors,' 'student life,' and 'extracurricular activities.' For 'University system in United States and Canada,' you can include words like 'community college,' 'liberal arts college,' 'graduate school,' and 'tuition.'
2. To review grammar, it is helpful to have a grammar textbook or use online grammar resources, focusing on one tense at a time. For 'Глагол To be,' make sure to practice all forms of the verb in present and past tense, as well as its use as a linking verb. For 'Present Continuous Tense,' make sure to practice the structure 'subject + to be + present participle (-ing form).' For 'Present Simple Tense,' make sure to practice the structure 'subject + base form of the verb.'
3. To prepare for situation prompts, it is helpful to brainstorm with a study partner or create a list of possible scenarios and practice responding to them orally. For 'My family,' you can practice talking about your family members, their occupations, and their hobbies. For 'Types of families,' you can practice talking about different family structures, such as single-parent families, blended families, and extended families. For 'I am a student of the Amur State University,' you can practice talking about your program of study, your interests, and your experiences at the university. For 'Types of undergraduate courses in the United States and Canada,' you can practice talking about the differences between liberal arts education and specialized programs, such as engineering or business. For 'Similarities and differences of systems of higher education in Russia and the United States / Canada,' you can practice comparing factors such as admissions requirements, teaching methods, and campus culture. For 'Advantages and disadvantages of systems of higher education in Russia and the United States / Canada,' you can practice discussing the pros and cons of different education systems.

Keep in mind that language learning takes time and consistent practice. Don't get discouraged if you make mistakes – they are a natural part of the learning process. Keep practicing and you will see progress!
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Как улучшить свой английский язык?

2024-03-02 19:20:05
Для того, чтобы улучшить свой английский язык, можно следовать нескольким советам:
1. Заняться регулярным чтением на английском языке. Читайте книги, статьи, новостные сайты и не бойтесь использовать словарь для понимания новых слов.
2. Смотрите фильмы и сериалы на английском языке с субтитрами - это поможет улучшить восприятие речи и понимание языка.
3. Найдите себе языкового партнера, с которым будете общаться на английском. Это не только улучшит вашу грамматику и разговорные навыки, но и поможет погрузиться в английскую культуру и лучше понять менталитет носителей языка.
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Expert-level advice on identifying the passive voice in English

2024-01-21 12:33:00
The first sentence ‘Toyota cars are made in Japan’ is in the Present Simple Passive form. This form is used to talk about things that are always true, or things that happen regularly. The second sentence ‘English is being spoken in the hall’ is in the Present Continuous Passive form. This form is used to talk about activities that are happening right now. The third sentence ‘The text has been translated by James’ is in the Present Perfect Passive form. This form is used to talk about completed actions that have a connection to now. The fourth sentence ‘This palace was built 120 years ago’ is in the Past Simple Passive form. This form is used to talk about actions that were completed in the past. The fifth sentence ‘The video was being recorded from 5 to 6 yesterday’ is in the Past Continuous Passive form. This form is used to talk about an activity that continued for a period of time in the past. The final sentence ‘They said the window had already been cleaned’ is in the Past Perfect Passive form. This form is used to talk about an action that was completed before another action in the past. In the last sentence ‘The guests will be met at the airport’ is in the Future Simple Passive form. This form is used to talk about actions that will happen in the future. Passive voice is often used in academic writing to emphasize the action being done rather than who is doing it, or when the action is not known, or when the speaker wants to remain objective. Keep in mind that not all passive forms have an active counterpart, so it is important to know their different functions when using them in academic writing.
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