сократить дробь 5*227/1*28
To simplify a fraction, we need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator. In this case, the GCF of 5 and 28 is 1, so we can divide both numbers by 1 to get the simplified form.
Therefore, the simplified fraction is 5*227/1*28 = 5*227/28 = 1135/28.
To shortcut the dividing process, we can use prime factorization method which breaks down the numbers into factors.
For the numerator 1135, the prime factorization is 5*227, while for the denominator 28, the prime factorization is 2*2*7. Then, we can cancel out common factors and simplify.
So, the simplified fraction is still 5*227/28 = 1135/28.