Finding Parts in a Sentence

2024-12-24 19:02:08
In the sentence provided, there are seven clauses, and each of them has its own part of speech. The first clause has a subject (псы) and a predicate (заливались), and there is also a subordinate clause (Между тем) at the beginning. The second clause contains three parts of speech (один, забросивши, выводил), all of which serve as different parts of the same predicate. The third clause has two parts (другой, отхватывал), again both connected to the main predicate. The fourth clause has only one part of speech (промеж) and serves as the beginning of the next subordinate clause (наделенный). Continuing on, the fifth clause involves the same structure as the second clause, with three parts serving as the predicate (звенел, как, звонок). The sixth clause, which starts the concluding sentence, contains only two parts (все, повершал), both of which serve as an object to the predicate (и все это). Finally, the last clause contains four parts, all of which make up the complex object of the final predicate (он один, засунувши, присев, пропускает). Therefore, in total, there are 7 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 22 parts in this sentence.
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