Expert-level academic advice for understanding transformer symbols and magnetic fields
Prompt: На рисунке 66 показаны идеальные трансформаторы.
When you see the symbol for an ideal transformer, it's important to remember that the number of coils in the primary and secondary winding are not necessarily equal.
Prompt: Через первичную обмотку каждого трансформатора протекает ток в направлении, указанном стрелкой, сила увеличивается.
This means that the primary current is flowing in the direction of the arrow and therefore, creating a magnetic field. According to the right-hand rule, the magnetic field will be going into the page below the arrow, and coming out of the page above the arrow.
Prompt: К клеммам 1 и 2 был подключен резистор.
This resistor is connected in series with the primary winding, so it's important to remember that the current will be the same throughout the circuit.
Prompt: а) линии индукции магнитного поля, создаваемого током в первичной обмотке, внутри этой обмотки, направлены вверх;
The magnetic field lines will be directed into the page at the bottom of the primary winding and coming out of the page at the top. This is because the arrow is pointing up, and according to the right-hand rule, the field lines will be going into the page below the arrow.
Prompt: б) линии индукции магнитного поля, создаваемого током в первичной обмотке, направлены вверх внутри вторичной обмотки;
Since the magnetic field lines are coming out of the page at the top of the primary winding, they will then go into the secondary winding at the top. This means that the secondary winding will have a magnetic field directed into the page at the top, and coming out of the page at the bottom.
Prompt: в) линии индукции магнитного поля, создаваемого индукционным током в обмотке катушки, направлены вверх внутри этой обмотки;
The magnetic field created by the induced current will be in the opposite direction of the original field. So in this case, the field lines will be directed out of the page at the top of the coil, and into the page at the bottom.
Prompt: г) во вторичной обмотке индукционный ток течет от вывода/к выводу 2;
This means that the induced current will be flowing in the opposite direction of the primary current, according to the right-hand rule. So it will be going out of the second output terminal at position 2.
Prompt: д) потенциал терминала We 1 больше потенциала терминала 2.
This means that the first output terminal, We, will have a higher potential than the second output terminal, which makes sense because the transformer is stepping up the voltage. Hopefully, this explanation helps clear up any confusion. Keep in mind, these are ideal transformers, so there may be some variations in real-world applications. If you need any further clarification, do not hesitate to ask. Good luck with your studies!