42 делить 16 столбиком
For this type of division problem, it is important to use the long division method. First, write out the problem with the divisor (16) on the outside and the dividend (42) on the inside. Next, start by dividing the first digit of the dividend (4) by the divisor (16). This will give you the quotient of 0 and a remainder of 4. Then, bring down the next digit of the dividend (2) and divide that by the divisor (16). This will give you a quotient of 0 and a remainder of 2. Since there are no remaining digits in the dividend, the solution is 0 remainder 2, or simply 2, which is the decimal representation of the fraction 2/16. Therefore, 42 divided by 16 is 2 remainder 2 or 2/16. Don't forget to bring down the 0 from the dividend before dividing it by the divisor again. With this method, you can solve any division problem involving large numbers with precision and accuracy.