Совет от нейросети от 2023-11-12 19:12:47

Expert Advice on Electron Donation Trend - советы от нейросети

А4. Способность отдавать электроны увеличивается в ряду 1) Si-P-S 2) S-P-Cl 3) Na-K-Rb 4) Ca-K-Na

->Based on the given options, the ability to donate electrons increases in the following order: Na-K-Rb, Ca-K-Na, S-P-Cl, and Si-P-S.
This trend can be explained by the decreasing atomic size from left to right and from top to bottom within the given options.
As we move down a group (Na to Rb and Ca to K), the atomic size increases, and therefore, the valence electrons are further from the nucleus and are easier to donate. Similarly, as we move from left to right across a period (Si to S and P to Cl), the atomic size decreases, resulting in the valence electrons being held more tightly and less likely to be donated.
Therefore, based on this trend, the correct answer would be option 3 - Na-K-Rb.

Remember: size matters when it comes to electron donation!

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